All you Need to Know
about Infant Circumcision

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You are expecting a baby boy? Time to think about infant circumcision. Maybe you never gave it a second thought before. But, now that you are faced with the upcoming birth of your little boy you are wondering what to do.

Is circumcision right for your baby? I will try to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision on this topic.

Because society is changing and medical information is more widespread, there might be more things to think about than you'd previously thought.

I will first explain exactly what circumcision is and talk about its history.

Then, we will look at the pros and cons of circumcision, to help you make your decision.

This can be a highly controversial topic. Although I have my own opinion on this, I don't want to make it a hot topic and I have tried to present the arguments for and against as fairly as possible.

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